
Physical Activity

Went down to the Commons today to enjoy the sun. Participating in the physical activity madness was Megan, Orrin, Julia, Jared, Brian, Alfred, and Marty. Damn, I'm going to have to check with Julia on some of these names, I'm horrible with names. We just threw/kicked the football to each other for hours, I had a pretty good time.

After you know working up such a sweat (this is sarcasm), we decided to check out some chinese food action. I left feeling way too full, but extremely satisfied.
Fortune Cookies: "You are a person of culture" and "You are never bitter, deceptive or petty."
You know you rock, when you get TWO fortunes in the same cookie.

The roommate arrived back from the great land of Bouctouche, we swapped stories of our weekends and just had a generally good conversation. She also shared some WONDERFUL news with me, the possibility of a FREE or cheap (I'll have to chip in for gas, because it's only right) drive to Moncton on a weekendly basis. This folks, is the most exciting news ever. This way if the city is getting a little too much to handle, I can always escape to the pleasure and laidbackness of home.
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