
I want to be..

a French princess, that sits around her backyard in black poofy dresses, surrounded by ducks, smoking French cigarettes, that never has to go to work and can read all day long.

a groupie that gets to sleep around, be on drugs, smoke too many cigarettes, not have to pay rent, wear the tightest most ridiculous clothes, and dance a whole fuck of a lot.

a farmer that grows my own food, grows my own tobacco, makes my own peasant clothes, has a CB radio show that nobody can listen to since I live so far in the woods, and be scared of the government and its many conspiracies.

a CEO of a huge company that wears hot pink business suits and gets to go into work sign some papers without actually reading them, and sleep with my male secretary, Lester.

a model that gets to walk on stage for 5 minutes and call it a job, have an eating disorder, do heroin and sleep with Philip an ugly photographer with a disgusting ponytail.

a homeless person in Hawaii, eating coconuts, learning that dance, bumming for change and cigarettes, laying on the beach all day getting a tan and coming to terms with my mental illness that I refuse to take medication for.

a sailor in the 1950's, traveling the seas to find treasure, visiting the most exotic parts of the world where I find hot bitches at ports that give me STDs, and possibly say 'arrrrrrgggg' from time to time.

a clown that does kid's birthday parties, gets punched in the face by 12 year olds all day, goes home, eats zoodles out of the can that was heated on the stove, and play with my pet monkey, Wizzle.

a Disney employee that plays Mickey Mouse, gets hugs and kisses from little girls all day long who tell me I'm pretty, go home to my suite on top of the Disney castle and cuddle with my cat Ginger.

a full-time student that works at Subway part-time, goes to visit ducks way too much, smokes too many cigarettes, dresses in ridiculous clothes, is cheap as fuck.... .. and I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.


Blogger UberDestructinator said...

cool post. it's good to write down your fantasies.

5:09 p.m.  
Blogger Lindsay said...

I've been thinking about the French princess one for days, I had to get it out of my head. I smell a song in the air, especially since you know, its a French band.

The rest of those just kind of followed as I was typing.

11:46 p.m.  

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