
I effing get to work and I'm not even on the schedule.
I couldn't find my masking tape and left the house in a huff.
I hate not finding things.
Leah's vortex of lost time sucked me in.
I ended up spending hours getting high and eating.
Always with the eating in that house.
But whos complaining? I like Leah's food despite all the shit I tell her.
I had my first sit down all the new roommates together.
I drank a few rum and cokes and cleaned the kitchen.
I got all my ingredients, pots and pans put away.
Rob kept asking me if I'm always this hyper.
The answer is yes, I'm not quiet, I'm not shy in my own home.
I made my roommates dill fries.
Ryan got me high too.
Next morning I went over to the One World to check my mail.
Headed over to Nathalie's.
We hit up the dollar store, that place is the nexus of the universe.
So big and scary, and messy, and disorganized.
I was lost, I kept screaming for Nathalie.
Work was alright, I got all my jazz done.
I ended up having to do all the work for the backshift.
Actually the agreement was I would do their work if I could leave an hour early.
But, as usual, backshift didn't show up and I actually got to leave an hour and half late.
I went to the Seahorse and danced my face off.
Hung out with all kinds of cool cats.
Stephen was there, I enjoy the Stephen and the Krista.
We talked Harlequin Romances, you know intellectual stuff.
Ben gave me a ride home and I read some Andy Warhol.
This morning I prepared some of the stuff for a potluck tonight.
Went over the Leah's to collect a pot of mine.
I'm over at Alex's checking my emails and stuff.
I stumbled into my brother's blog.
My little sister has been diagnosed with a rare disease.
It affects 140 out of a million people.
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura.
If you google image it, it makes you feel worse.
I guess it destroys your immune system and kills your kidneys.
Causes bleeding in your intestines and kidneys.
My little sister better be okay.
Blonde little angel.
I have to talk to my mother.


Blogger Justin said...

Guess it's not as evil as they make it sound online.. She can't eat or drink, she just pukes it back up soon after.. Her stomach hurts a lot, they give her pain meds, but the pain is back 2 hours later, dosage is every 4 hours.. They are doing Blood Tests and Urine Tests daily, keeping track of her kidneys.. Saw her yesterday, she seems good, little pale..

2:01 p.m.  
Blogger Lindsay said...

You made it sound even more evil.

8:34 p.m.  

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