

I changed things.
I added things.
Yesterday sucked.
Today isn't doing much better.
11 oclock in the morning.
My dumbass roommate had heavy metal so loud it knocked one of my ornaments off the mantle.
I got out of my room in a huff and never realized I had a boob hanging out.
I feel like a prisoner in my own house.
I never go to the kitchen unless they go outside for a smoke.
While I'm in the kitchen I feel so nervous my stomach hurts.
Most of the time I just want Ed to be next to me for some kind of protection.
It really pisses me off that they have no consideration what so ever for Ed.
He sleeps in a room without a door, and this heavy metal bullshit started at 8 this morning.
Its Saturday morning.
Come on!
How hard is it to have a little appreciation for people?
When I have people over after shows or parties I tell them to keep it down.
We go to my room, close the door and listen to music, not loudly.
I sleeep really soundly, but Ed tells me that he has to hear Dave get ready for school every morning.
Now, if it was the noise that is bound to happen, such as dishes clanging, footsteps, the shower, it wouldn't be so bad.
But no, its Dave, thinking he is the lead singer of a metal band SCREAMING at the top of his lungs.
Are you kidding me?
The asshole can't even sing.
What was I thinking when I moved in here?
I'm so glad I got to meet Ed, and I love living with him.
The rest of it is just too much.
I don't know how I'm going to make it until August.
Terrified of my own kitchen.
Terrified and embarrased to invite friends over.
I hope someone comes to visit me at work tonight.


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