
I do this all the time.
I think of things I want to discuss in the old blog.
Then you know, carry on about life.
Wake up the next day and realize I forgot.
So instead of talking about exciting well thought out ideas.
We'll go for more of the same.
I watched Groundhog's Day with Dan.
I forgot how much I loved that movie.
I want it for Christmas.
When I was a kid I'd watch it 2 or 3 times in a row.
Re-wind, glass of juice, play, re-wind, pee break, play.
Dan and Tony whipped up a delicious breakfast.
I never make breakfast myself I always go out and buy it.
It was a tasty treat.
Alex, Marc, Hoolia and I went to Charlie's after work.
I love that bar, it's so close, sitting around with friends.
On Friday, I swung by Newwave's house.
Him and Venessa were spreading out finger foods.
Delicious cheese bread was served up with chocolate cheese.
I got hammered and headed to band practice.
Which was a total success, I love that band.
Practice is so calm and everybody's usually in a good mood.
Things get done, 3 practices, 3 songs.
The boys and I headed to Charlie's for some beers and pool.
Well, Dan, Gary and Neil aren't drinking for November.
But the rest of us, beer.
Afterwards I went to HQ, Dan started to eat raw potatoes, which I promptly slapped out of his hand.
How do you spell Gerrald?
Anyway, we went to his apartment and talked for hours.
The next morning I got hit by awesome breakfast again.
Oh and some of the best naps ever.
Saturday was 'hurricane' day, it was rainy and windy.
Tay and Meghan showed up soaked.
I started reading Cerebus, which I got hooked by immediately.
I read the entire Church & State 1 in one night.
The next day I ordered nachos for breakfast, which is admittedly disgusting.
I started reading Church & State 2, got about half-way through before laundry-pool.
Pool on Sundays is now a competition, the winner being Laundry-Pool champion.
I am not the holder of said title this week, but next week, I shall have my revenge.
After work I hung out with those Murder house kids.
We watched Hugh run around with those girls in his bathrobe.
Television really captivates me sometimes.
But most of the time I fucking hate it.
Deal.. No Deal is the worst show invented.
And there we have it.
Minus the masturbation, a mundane day to day catalog of the last few days.


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