
Yesterday was a fucking embarrassing.
I'd been meaning to get drunk.
Like, REAL drunk for a while now.
But boy, I sure took it to the limit last night.
I think I even shed some tears of drunken what the fuck.
I had band practice, I had some beers, nothing too crazy.
I few tall cans, a tall bottle from Propeller.
Band practice was lots of fun, I didn't think I was being too ridiculous.
When I got to Charlie's I almost fell on some ice.
Standard stuff though, it's winter!
I remember being at Charlie's, having two beers.
Winning at pool twice, which is amazing, especially considering.
Then fast-forward to waking up, Dan's in my room.
Looking at the clock I see it's fucking 1AM and I'm a mess.
I say 'you have my nachos?'.
When in reality, I did make him order food, but not nachos.
I must of eaten this food, and the gravy everywhere makes me believe it was poutine.
And then I start crying and Dan's telling me to sleep on my side.
Then I wake up around 6, totally confused, my clothes are on, the lights on.
Total fucking mess.
Wednesday is becoming a real party.
Our new song is inspired by some interesting bruises on my inner thighs.
Sensational hit, I am almost positive.
How can it not be with lyrics like 'teeth marks, we're sexual sharks'.
I don't know why I'm not a famous writer yet.


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