
going home at 2

I've been a sober, going home at 2 in the morning person. Christ.

I cleaned this entire place, scrubbed the floors, got rid of everything useless, it looks like I just moved in.
We got our employee meals back.
I went to a party at Jen's/Matt's house.
Mostly just hung out with Matt.
Leah came over and helped me clean the livingroom.
I went to Frenchy's and got a new sweater, I never wear sweaters.
Had some fish.
Went to Troy's and to see the ducks.
The ducks went fucking apeshit, it was terrifying and fun at the same time.
I wasn't moping.
Everytime we hang out I get to hear this great music that I've always wondered about.
I went to Seaforth to see if Matt Mongraw would be home.
I hadn't seen him in such a long time.
We hugged and hung out for a while.
Adam who lives with Matt came to the party I was going to.
That must of been so weird, even if I go to a party, I usually know atleast one person. He had met me an hour earlier and didn't know a single person there.
Someone played bagpipes in the middle of the street.

I had the most irritating conversation with some Polish guy.
These are his point of views: being gay isn't 'natural', people of different races are in general 'bad' but he isnt racist, "its just fact", and that all drugs are horrible and people that do them are sketchy people.
It would of been somewhat ok if he knew how to argue. He just kept throwing the same bullshit at me so I turned into a 2 year old and told him to shut the fuck up and keep his head in his ass.


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