
It's not secret I haven't been feeling the greatness.
Yesterday was really hard.
I woke up still drunk/hung over, my knees were bleeding, on the way to work some guys pulled over and yelled 'eat a dick you fat bitch', work was awful, customers complaining because we had no food, I told a snobby girl to go fuck herself, dead crazy people coming in, I had to call the cops because ghetto girls were causing a ruckus, I'm sick as a dog since I spent so much time the night before outside barefoot.
Just not good.
My cold is worst today, and I was already in a terrible mood.
Then Julia came in with a plastic bag.
She said someone left this for me on the steps.
Natalie left me chocolates, and treats and told me to feel better.
Jesus, I cried so much.
There are so many awesome people in my life.
I forget sometimes.
Thanks for the chocolates Natalie, seriously, you made me feel like a million dollars, if only for a little bit.
I appreciate this gesture so much.
Thanks for reminding I have good friends.
People who really give a shit about me.
You're a million dollars.


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