
I want to write in this shit, but positively.
I have nothing positive to say though.
Even though I had an awesome week.
The down swing and being ignored killed it.
Birthday Week this year was better than last.
It involved more feelings and disappointment though.
Which is my own damn fault.
Canceling things because of stupid circumstances.
Last Sunday was the best Sunday I had in a while.
It feels however that I'm being punished for it.
My house is destroyed.
I don't feel like cleaning.
I don't even feel like getting out of bed.
And I wouldn't of but for some reason it takes REALLY LOUD music for some of my roommates to make a sandwich.
I had a dream last night that Mike D and I did something bad.
I looked like a bombshell and was running from the cops.
Crawling through windows, jumping faces, trying to fuck some stranger in exchange for concealment.
It was exciting.
I can't remember what I did wrong though.
Hopefully some sort of espionage or something.


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