a mess.
Saturday we did shrooms in Bedford, it was ridiculous. I was so high, there are so many funny moments, mostly involving a certain styrofoam head named Bradley. Leah and Heather were hilariously fucked, well Leah more so. She looked like a lost little girl it was cute. I took a pretty eventful trip to Needs with Heather. Broken steps, 15$ of junk, cops and laughter = best trip to Needs ever.
For some reason everybody is a lameass and went to bed, I however sat around by myself and watched Garden State. When the movie finished at 8 in the morning I took off on the bus, drunk and still high. I woke up at Scotia Square with the bus driver in my face asking me if I was alright. It seems he was having a hard time waking me up, at this point I didn't even remember getting on the bus. When I walked in my apartment I turned on fucking War of the Worlds and watched that until 11.
I got 4 hours of sleep and went to work. Which turned out to be basically a 15 hour shift with a 2 hours break. Woke up the next day after 4 hours of sleep and went back to work. Should be one hell of an amazing paycheque though, thats what really matters.
Last night was crazy, one of my favorite Wednesdays for sure. I've never been this friendly with people in my entire life. I sat on many laps and danced with many people. Although there was a few people I could of done without seeing. Being drunk all day lights up my life, the one break I get from work, I enjoy to its full potential.
After the bar we went to pizza corner and met some hilarious drunk chick. She needed help putting her boobs away, the guys didn't seem to mind all that much. Cory and Mike slept over and we went to Quincy's this morning/afternoon.
oh wait, we bought a hilarious pink leash for Kitty. Jack has never looked so masculine now if he could just learn to enjoy the great outdoors. In due time I'm sure.
We met a hilarious
For some reason everybody is a lameass and went to bed, I however sat around by myself and watched Garden State. When the movie finished at 8 in the morning I took off on the bus, drunk and still high. I woke up at Scotia Square with the bus driver in my face asking me if I was alright. It seems he was having a hard time waking me up, at this point I didn't even remember getting on the bus. When I walked in my apartment I turned on fucking War of the Worlds and watched that until 11.
I got 4 hours of sleep and went to work. Which turned out to be basically a 15 hour shift with a 2 hours break. Woke up the next day after 4 hours of sleep and went back to work. Should be one hell of an amazing paycheque though, thats what really matters.
Last night was crazy, one of my favorite Wednesdays for sure. I've never been this friendly with people in my entire life. I sat on many laps and danced with many people. Although there was a few people I could of done without seeing. Being drunk all day lights up my life, the one break I get from work, I enjoy to its full potential.
After the bar we went to pizza corner and met some hilarious drunk chick. She needed help putting her boobs away, the guys didn't seem to mind all that much. Cory and Mike slept over and we went to Quincy's this morning/afternoon.
oh wait, we bought a hilarious pink leash for Kitty. Jack has never looked so masculine now if he could just learn to enjoy the great outdoors. In due time I'm sure.
We met a hilarious