
a mess.

Saturday we did shrooms in Bedford, it was ridiculous. I was so high, there are so many funny moments, mostly involving a certain styrofoam head named Bradley. Leah and Heather were hilariously fucked, well Leah more so. She looked like a lost little girl it was cute. I took a pretty eventful trip to Needs with Heather. Broken steps, 15$ of junk, cops and laughter = best trip to Needs ever.

For some reason everybody is a lameass and went to bed, I however sat around by myself and watched Garden State. When the movie finished at 8 in the morning I took off on the bus, drunk and still high. I woke up at Scotia Square with the bus driver in my face asking me if I was alright. It seems he was having a hard time waking me up, at this point I didn't even remember getting on the bus. When I walked in my apartment I turned on fucking War of the Worlds and watched that until 11.

I got 4 hours of sleep and went to work. Which turned out to be basically a 15 hour shift with a 2 hours break. Woke up the next day after 4 hours of sleep and went back to work. Should be one hell of an amazing paycheque though, thats what really matters.

Last night was crazy, one of my favorite Wednesdays for sure. I've never been this friendly with people in my entire life. I sat on many laps and danced with many people. Although there was a few people I could of done without seeing. Being drunk all day lights up my life, the one break I get from work, I enjoy to its full potential.

After the bar we went to pizza corner and met some hilarious drunk chick. She needed help putting her boobs away, the guys didn't seem to mind all that much. Cory and Mike slept over and we went to Quincy's this morning/afternoon.


oh wait, we bought a hilarious pink leash for Kitty. Jack has never looked so masculine now if he could just learn to enjoy the great outdoors. In due time I'm sure.

We met a hilarious


Rescue me.

Rescue is amazing, they had a second show on Tuesday at Stage 9. How excited was I, biiiiiiiitch.

Before the show started, I hung out with Matt all day. We went over to Leah's and she made us pizza goodness. We watched movies and I went to the show while he headed to work. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, I got to hear 3 of the VolumePlusVolume songs I wanted to hear, and bought the perfect Lindsay shirt;

Hygene Haiku
The hair-beard combo
drives the woman wild as sin
Don't shave tomorrow

11/15/02 - Reply Dave Written for the Rescue crew with love

Anyways, hugs for me from the hottest facial hair I've seen in a while. Damn what a good night.

How groupie am I?


Update #3: Saturday.

Locals baseball, Rescue/For the Mathematics, Burdocks cd release.

Damn what a good day. The roommate woke me up at 11 in the morning drunk off her ass. We headed out shortly there after and found our way to the commons. I did the super classy thing and drank rum and cokes out of a glass while watching baseball. Savannah screamed obscenities at the cblocals and passed out in the field/bushes.

When the game was over, we grabbed some food and I left her on the side of the street so I could go to Alex's for a minute. Funniest moment ever is seeing Savannah passed out on the grass on the side of Robie Street. It was so ridiculous. We headed to the Pavilion, I was hanging outside when I heard the best 4 words ever "We're Rescue from Detroit". I swear I almost LOST my mind. They werent supposed to be playing this show, it was the best surprise ever. I ended up buying all kinds of merch and spending way too much money.

When the show was over, after a few more drinks, off to Stage 9. Eben was present and sat with us. What exactly would the phrase "I think I'll sit with you guys, I feel less drunk" mean? Oh well, I take it as a compliment of sorts. We spotted Ellie walking down the street and screamed for her to show us some skin. Resquest granted, yo.

The shows were awesome, the drinking was awesome, best Saturday ever. Although making sheppard's pie in Bedford that one time was pretty awesome. Followed by the farewell to Mike D party, god damn Calgary and its job offerings.

Update #2: The Amazing Matt and other Subway related items.

Work rocks my socks, I spend so much time there its insane.

A fellow named Matt started working with me and I swear he is an alien from outerspace. Nobody on the planet emits that kind of awesome, its like personality cocaine. BUT the ultimate awesome is he shaves his head and has no desire to ever grow facial hair, making him my best friend for life. Zero attraction makes Matt my favorite person ever. I don't know what it is about him but he makes me comfortable. I've never been friends with someone for under a month and hugged them hello and goodbye. Its so bizarre.

Go Matt.

Nicole and Alex have also become my bitches. I love those girls, they think I've lost my mind, which might be true. They had a staff party at their place the other day. Everybody was fucked on E and coke, including my manager (I'll get to her after). It was a pretty great party except for the rest of the staff spent a lot of time sucking my manager's ass. Meh, I do my job and I hope she notices, but I won't outright tell her how GREAT of a worker I am. I'll brag to myself on my blog instead.

My manager came to Halifax a year ago on a road trip with her brother. Their van broke down in the middle of Halifax, they slept in it and ate baloney for a month until they decided they should get jobs. One year later she manages the Subway downtown Spring Garden and he manages the one up the street. I couldn't ask for a better manager, she drinks about 5 nights week, comes to work hung over, doesn't care what we do at work as long as we show up for our shifts. I could go on, but then its just bragging really.

A job I enjoy, and will probably keep until I graduate or move out of this city.

OK I WILL UPDATE. Update no.1: Trip home.

I have so much to update its crazy.

Screw the daily events thing. I'm over it, lets focus on the important events/people in my life.

Allllllllright. I'll start off with the visit back home. The wonderful and sexy Matt Blanchard gave me a drive to New Brunswick, Thursday morning after Bearlys. What makes Matt the awesome is the fact that he let me drink in his car the whole way. By the time I got to Moncton I was succesfully drunk and ran into my friends place without knocking. To find them not home, and their new roommate wondering who the fuck that crazy drunk girl is.

I went to some awesome shows all weekend with Eric, Gumby, and Josue. I had a pretty spectacular time the entire weekend. My mother came to pick me up on Saturday in Moncton. On the way to our house we stopped by the liquor store where I found my grand-father drunk off his ass. The man actually hugged me, in all 20 years of my life, I have never received anything from him but "wow you're fat" and other little sly comments. But he hugged and bought me booze. It was so weird. I went to see my daddy who immediately made me down shots, I swear my family has lost its mind.

I got a drive to Bouctouche and went on the hunt for my best friend. I asked so many people on the street if they had seen her it was ridiculous. I went knocking on doors looking for her until finally I got the answer "she's at home crying".. I got in a cab, walked in her front door without knocking, started screaming her name and got the best hug of my entire life. It was one of those genuine hugs. She was crying about some bullshit, I swear the people in Bouctouche live to make others miserable. When she felt better, which didn't take long, she was so shocked to see me, without warning nonetheless. We went drinking and had a good old best friend time.

Got home, cleaned my apartment, went to work. End of vacation.

One little thing though from my vacation, I'm the kind of person who doesn't remember a single detail about music. I mean I love it and listen to music 85% of my day, but I just can't remember song names, album names, band names, lead singer names, I just can't. BUT I do have an amazing memory when it comes to people. I'll remember the littlest detail and do things for people based on this information. I don't ask for anything in return, but I thank you would be nice. This is the last time I wake up early to buy Mr.Freeze for someone so they won't be hung over. "Where the hell were you" and "Well I already ate" werent the kind of responses I was looking for.

Aww fuck it.

Right so.