

The foot was hurt.
Now its better.
I've been drinking less.
Trying to save money unsuccessfully.
Really I am.
My room is a mess.
Maybe when I'm done this IWK thing, it'll be clean.

How was that?


I've gotten myself involved in something big.
I hope it's big, but it's shaping up big.
When Anika was in the hospital this year we hit up the arts and crafts room a bunch.
That got me thinking, other kids must hit it up too, there for the supplies must go down.
I decided to put on a 3-4 day music shindig as a craft supplies benefit.
I'm thinking 2 bar shows, 2 all-ages shows, lots of press and lots of work.
I'm going to email and message all the schools in the North End.
First of all to let them know about the all day kids extravaganza on Saturday the 9th.
Theres going to be face painting, puppet shows/puppet making, balloon animals, live acoustic children's music, auctions, a whole bunch of stuff.
I also want to invite a few classes to make crafts to be displayed at the shows and sold off for extra money.
I don't want to just use the art as a fund raising tool but also to demonstrate the creativity and artistic talent of all kids, of all ages.
I'm going to go around to harass all local craft/art stores in HRM to see if they would like to donate.
I figured out the tax bullshit so they can donate, look good and then claim it on their taxes like it ain't no thing.
I'm going to pester every radio station, newspaper and television station.
I'm thinking of having punk night, dance night, acoustic night and then the all day thing.
The cover to get in will be donations of craft supplies, or money, which I will take and buy supplies with.
I really hope I can get the all this done, I don't have much time left.
But things are working really well.
If anyone feels like donating but can't make it to the shows I'm pretty sure the Rock Gardens is going to be a drop off spot.
I'll let people know about dates and line-ups as soon as the details are finalized.
I'm excited.

Here is your Christmas list mom.
new computer monitor
nail polish
hair elastics
fake pearl necklaces of all colors
black cardigans
black tank tops
thick tights
vegetarian cookbooks
dollar store batteries

NO candy, NO chocolate

Yup thats the list.
I got locked out of my house yesterday.
Of course I get locked out when I'm coming back from groceries.
I was upset, extremely upset.
I went over to Emilie's house for a bit, when I get this phone call.
Its Julia and she says works been calling and I'm supposed to be there.
However that's impossible since I wrote down my schedule last Tuesday.
Sure enough, my assistant manager changed the schedule 2 days before.
She sure didn't admit to it before I hung up though and I was BOILING with rage.
Locked out of my apartment, carrying around groceries, about half way to work I realize I forgot my smokes at Emilie's, I thought my head was going to explode.
When I walked in the door, the regional manager was standing there.
Lucky for me, ass. manager declared publicly that she had indeed changed the schedule, and 'thought she had mentioned it to me'.
I'm out an hour of work, well 2 since the Sunday shift was an hour shorted and I missed an hour.
Its funny how an hour of work is so important, 7.80 is very important to my life.
My oven is broke, whats a girl got to do for a plate of baked nachos?


It happened.
I'm into tea.
But only chai tea.
With milk.
And brown sugar.
It tastes wonderful.
Especially with cigarettes.
Cool down too.
But not hot.


When you look at the same picture for 21 years, you can't even tell the difference.
Am I pretty or am I not?
What does pretty mean?
Am I pleasing to the eyes?
Does it matter?
I guess it does if I think about it when I look in the mirror.
Is my face proportional?
Am I the only one who sees the feminine mustache, I guess it would be called that.
Since I started brushing my teeth, they're half as yellow.
Does that make me pretty?
How does this process of elimination go?


The family is coming in 3 hours.
I wonder if I can get the courage to get out of bed.
I need to do laundry and definitely grab a shower.
Also need to pick up the living room and my own room.
The VD membership is amazing.
I've been watching independant movies every day.
On the teeth note, I think my wisdom teeth are coming in.
With no room to move that is.
I also brush my teeth 3 or 4 times a day now.
I'm going crazy.
I keep watching horror movies with the Scribbler house.
I've always hated horror movies, based on the fact that even the bad ones scare me.
One email to bang off and the day begins.


I bought a crazy amount of groceries the other day.
Mostly vegeterian groceries at that, things might change for me this winter.
I think I could do it.
I eat out less, so that temptation is gone.
I'm slowly drinking less and saving my money.
Trying to keep the funds high.
Soon I'll be paying my own rent, which is scary.
I've been making some fantastic meals lately, macaroni and cheese, bean burgers, bean burritoes, omelettes, things of that nature.
When I bought those groceries I also bought popcorn.
While I was eating this popcorn I remembered why I don't eat popcorns.
I went outside and had a smoke and started picking out the corn pieces from my teeth.
All of a sudden, a huge junk of rotted tooth came out of my mouth.
It was unbelievable, I kicked of freaked out.
The inside of this piece of tooth was black and just nasty.
Who knew teeth could rot the inside-out?
One of my biggest fears if the dentist.
Last year I had to face my second, being the doctor because of a rusty nail.
This time around my complete lack of responsibilty and hygene is biting me in the ass.
I started making calls and inquiring about good dentists.
I hope my dad's insurance can cover this, he says maybe no.
If no, I'm screwed, and have in total, 8 cavities (that are visible) and this rotting tooth.
I am a fucking idiot.
On a positive note, my family is coming to town.
Craig is going to come play guitar at the hospital for my sister.
I'm glad he agreed to do it.
My dad might also come visit some time this November, that'll be fun.
I've been doing a lot of fun stuff lately.
Playing boardgames, listenning to community radio, making dinner for people, renting movies I've always wanted to see.
I can't believe Video Difference gave me a membership.
I'm pumped.
I'm scared about this dentist thing.
Super scared.
Give me hugs if you see me, I need em.