
dental surgery

Breakfast with Amy and her parents.
What a time, her dad has the cop shades, mustache, shirts, haircut, its almost enough to laugh out loud.
Nice folks, I think they liked me well enough.
We went to the Greek Village and 20 minutes after they dropped me off I went back with Emilie.
Lunch dates with Emilie are great, re-cap of the week and boy talks and hilarious conversation.
After lunch I went to work, which I was even scheduled.
So I'm about to leave and they're like..
Manager - whatcha doing?
Me - going the fuck home?
Manager - Abby called in sick, you're staying.
FUCK! had I not showed up for no goddamn reason I wouldn't of been stuck there.
A pretty big gathering of the folks ended up taking place here on Wednesday.
Lots of kids to drink with, lots of me being mad.
About halfway through the night I stopped having fun.
I stood outside for a bit and ended up walking way the fuck down the South End, all the way down Robie.
PISSED, and soak and wet, to be a bitch I made my buddy come to Freeman's and watch me sip water, slowly.
Then I went home alone, SO VERY ALONE.
Newwave rang my door bell closing in on 3 in the morning and we chit-chatted and talked.
Good end to a bad bad night.
I went over to Alex's for some Mario Party.
I am not good at videogames and even worse at losing.
Bad scenes, work was horrible too.
However, pie and bad movies with Laura Peek made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
We got the standard pie, strawberry rhubard, BUT WAIT, boisson berry soy ice cream added to that.
Quite the treat, Ghoulies 3: Ghoulies go to College is awful.
Not even bad movie good, just like what the fuck, who put this together?!
I like the panty raid scene the best, all the girls were just sort of hanging around topless in their underwear when the boys showed up.
THEN they had a pillow fight, WHAT?
I spent most of the day on Friday at the hospital.
Anika had some dental surgery at the IWK and most of the family came up.
My mom, Denis, my brother and his friend Andrea spent a good 2 hours in the waiting room.
I filled my mom in on all my business, you know the kind of things you shouldn't tell parents, let alone in a hospital waiting room.
Anika was not a happy camper when she got out of surgery, who could blame her really.
DMC's birthday party was pretty spectacular.
Big ball bowling, which I suck at, I think I bowled at 32 and like a 43.
Robie Food was fun too, 18 people walking into that restaurant must be quite the piss off.
Lion's Head kareoke was amazing, I told Laurie that Mimi was better and that he had 'nice' pants.
The fanny pack was quite enjoyable too, how can a kareoke man not have the right words to White Rabbit?
Its absurd.
I went to the Alex's afterwards and got here about the almost swarming that Josh and Mike D had to go through.
I'll leave Saturday and Sunday for another day.


You frustrate me a lot.
You made me cry on the one night where all I want to smell is happy.
HAPPY, I have to go sing about SEX in the 2 hours.
I was going to dedicate one of my songs to you and that time I was 14 and you told me vegetarians tasted nutty.
Well have fun reading, I hope the maid plumped your pillow enough.

Does this make me one of those bratty kids?
You give me lots, but I really wanted you to see my preform.
That one picture I drew in 8th grade is still on the fridge.
I couldn't wait to look over to you during the dirtiest parts and smile.


Ok so guess who just figured out how to hyperlink things.




Oh wow, drunk posts.
Maybe I can explain further.
Afterwork I went to Alex's to hang out with the kids.
I knocked on Al's bedroom door just in time to kill the 'mood'.
They came down and chit-chatted for about 5 minutes before running upstairs again.
Kids these days, geez.
I was late for work on Saturday morning.
I am flat out incapable of getting to work on time in the morning.
Even if most days I do wake up at nine on my own, on days I have to work I don't.
Work was like 3 hours of my life I'll never get back.
When I got home I had a sweet nap, that felt more productive.
Derrick came to get me and we headed to the punk rock wedding.
A52 is the devil, that place makes me drunk, I swears.
I did however have a great conversation with Diana, that girl is dead hilarious.
Crystal and KC are the most adorable couple.
Photographic evidence of this fact can be found here.
I couldn't even focus anymore by the end of the night.
I told a friend of mine it was time to go.
Straight downpouring outside, cab called.
The SuperVillian party was pretty tight, lots of cool kids.
Jenna came home from one day only, when I saw her sitting on that couch I lost it.
I was so glad to see her!
Events occured that really fucking sucked.
I cried and yelled outside in the rain for a long time.
Lots of hugs and bullshit and more bullshit.
It ended with me pouring a lot of straight liquor down my thoart and running home.
On the way I got so frustrated I smashed my favorite glass.
I am not the best person at emotions, infact I suck at it.
While trying to explain to friends what happened I found myself blushing, talking about my emotions is like being naked in front of people.
I feel like an idiot in general over the whole ordeal.
The next day at work was pleasant enough.
Me and Abby had a men bitchin' session over candlelight dinner.
It was dead in there, I guess Subway isn't Easter food.
We made soup, pies, cookies, garlic bread, I bought crackers for the soup and we ate all of it.
Amy came to visit too, more bitchin' on my part.
Last night was fun though.
I stole practically raw meat off the grill and ate it, blood dripping down my chin.
I like my steak blue rare what can I say.
Scribbler, Be Bad, Gilbert Switzer, Eric's Trip cover band, HotShotRobot, Windom Earle all played.
I danced most of the night away with a few good friends hanging by my side.
Our set went well I think, the last song ended on a weird note, something went wrong with Laura's keyboard I think.
Gilbert Switzer spun that fucking wheel and won the money.
I couldn't be happier for them, if a band needs and deserves that money its them.
YAY YAY YAY! The celebration was awesome, people hugging and screaming and being ridiculous.
We're back to 200$, I wouldn't mind playing but we have so many damn shows coming up.
I love Reflections, after every set at least one random gay guy comes up to me and tells me they liked the set.
So much fun.
I walked home with the person I fought with on Saturday.
A little fighting, not much, a lot of sad stories.
I told him about my friend Sophia dying.
Maybe I'll tell this thing that story some day, not today though.
Once re-lived is enough for me.
We went swinging in the back of the school on Chebucto.
They took the swings out of commons, therefor making my life miserable.
Swinging late at night in the drizzling rain was fun.
I hope eventually I don't feel so stupid around my friend.
We'll see.


the rain

that is not the conversation i wanted to have
its not how i wanted it to start, begin, end and finish

walking home in the rain sucks
smashing your favorite drinking glass out of frustration, on the walk home sucks more

oh drunk entries, how you please me

how you make it seem alright
mom, i want a hug
i can't wait until you get here and hug me
The sex we have in my brain is always amazing.
You always have facial hair too.


Its time to cloud my mind.


Rock4$$s madness happened as usual.
Cabbed down there with some friends, proceeded to buy way too many drinks.
My friend Bridgette came out, I was shocked.
The last time we hung out she asked when she'd see me again.
I said 'next time you go to a GOOD show'.
We hung all night and had in depth girl conversation outside while smoking.
Why is it that a few drinks in girls just huddle and talk about boys?
Its like a little light goes off 'you've had enough to start complaining, GO!'.
No one won the freakin' money which is insanity.
Next week Coque Phoque have a garanteed spot, I'm pretty excited.
Julia, Newwave and I went to lunch at the One World, delicious chinese food was on the menu.
Afterwards Julia and I walked around Quinpool, we went to visit Alfred and Deon at their jobs.
We stopped in at that damn candy shop, sweet sweet brazillian nut toffee.
When I got to work the health inspector was in, and throwing every single piece of food we had in the garbage.
It sucked, plus my boss threw out my pants.
Although that just meant I got to leave, go to Amy's and go check out the Salvation Army for pants before returning to work.
I love that Craig's room is just as gross as mine, well Amy's too for that matter.
Gross rooms are awesome, Poison said my room stinks today.
How attractive is that?!
I hung out with Julia most of Wednesday afternoon.
We fought over sweet&sour soup broath.
I just hate hot liquids, its scary to me for some reason.
We watched 'the Doors', that movie put me in a weird mood but I loved it.
There was also no way Derrick wasn't doing the End after watching that movie.
Bearly's was tons of fun.
I have to stop sitting on that front step, it makes me lonely.
A whole whack of us headed down to AppleBarrel.
I gave some random table the finger, stole some man's gut buster, the whole table had massive sing-alongs, Chris Deon said the funniest thing about my sweet sweet loving making.
Which I'll clarify, he knows nothing about.
Girly lunch with Em was lots of fun.
We went to the new Greek Village restaurant, lots of blue going on in there.
I am going to the Italian Gourmet before work today to fix the situation.
When we parted ways I ended up at fucking Taco Bell with Adrian.
THEN at my one and only ice cream weakness, chocolate chip cookie dough.
Eating ice cream while looking at fish is terrible.
The party at A52 was ridiculous.
I was a huge jerk again, calling people names and being just an asshole.
I've been told I was 'out of control'.
Someone also called me a 'internet celiberty'.
What does that even mean?
I also got very paranoid and freaked out after smoking some... marijuana.
I get hiding behind people and calling them 'staples of my life'.
I had my first donair ever and woke up with onion in my boobs.
A huge thanks to Adrian for walking me home and holding my stuff and keeping me in one piece.
Riley untied my shoes for me.
Toby, Ivy, Stephie, and I went to breakfast at Canadiananananannana and went bowling.
Sweet sweet bowling.
The decor was pretty sweet AND they let us pick the music.
Off to work I go.



My mom came into to town.
Anika is dead crazy when she's on her meds.
The violence that erupts from that little body is scary.
My mom was a bit concerned and talked to the doctor about it.
They're slowly going to ease her off the steroids, thank god.
A small crowd gathered at my house for some Bearly's pre-drink.
The night went well, nothing overly spectacular like the week before, but still.
Mike D ended up here doing homework on my computer while I slept.
Lunch the next day with Julia, Newwave, Krista, and Adrian at ofcourse, the N&K.
Oh the nachos just slay me.
I went out for a walk with Alex, we headed down to Pier 21.
Scribbler needed to sound check for the Off the Wall show.
Soundcheck was long but I did manage to get some heckling in while they played.
The show at Gus' was all kinds of fun.
Bridgette was there, she had a special job to do for the Eagles!.
We got a little excited and ended up covered in smelly markers.
All the sets were pretty amazing, I like costumes and gimmicks and fun.
If people are having fun and look happy, then I'm happy.
I'm so excited about this split cassette, Dobbin and I were shooting ideas around last night, its going to be great.
Lindsay, Troy and I walked down to his place in the South End.
About half way there we saw a lone sandal, we decided to kick it from Bell Rd until Troy's.
It was quite the journey but the sandal and us made it.
Troy got a cat, with a black spot right on its nose, I like him, what a chilled out cat, on permanent pur.
DVDs are fun, talking's fun, yay fun.
Off the Wall was a weird weird night, the preformances were cool, the art yuppies were weird.
I spent most of my night chatting it up with catering service, mostly the one cute guy who hung around our table most of the night.
He was hilarious, he thanked me for keeping it real, for being down to earth.
That wasn't much of a task in the crowd I was in, I didn't talk to a single other person besides Scribbler and the caterers.
Weird scene.
Scribbblers set was the highlight of my night or maybe the crowd's reaction to it.
We ended up just hanging out at Alex's after it ended.
Oh wait, I forgot about the cheese table, that cheese table was dead crazy.
A mountain of cheese, a mountain of cheese for a bunch of stoned kids is hilarious.
Oh cheese.
Saturday I went to brunch with Derrick and Julia.
Bad food service sucks and I threatened to take the life of anyone at the table that tippedo our waitress.
When the staff makes you nervous and uncomfortable then you know its bad service, fucking bitch.
I headed down to the One World and hung around all day.
Mostly with DMC, Toby, Laura, Troy and Deon.
There are some compromising pictures of me on the internet, which is my own fault for being the only drunk person at an all-ages event.
It takes a lot of guts for me to preform, I knew I couldn't do it without some liquid courage.
What a fantastic day of none-stop hilarity.
DMC made the most inappropriate comments including a giant 'horse cock' including arrow drawn on Deon's pants.
I think our set went well, the new song seemed to be well received.
I was so happy lots of people showed up.
Happy with the set, happy with the crowd participation.
Meghan tried to fuck me with a bottle, that was fun, I should specify; during Bottlecrotch just so no one gets the wrong idea.
What a day.
Melissa's birthday party was tons of fun too, I spent a lot of the night laughing and outside on their deck smoking.
The auction at the One World on Sunday went amazing.
Mark Black is such a charater, one of the funniest people.
Nathan and I joint bought private lessons in a domain of our choosing from Celery.
Based on that last sentence, maybe English.
My song sold for 13$ to a girl named Jamie.
Now I must gather as much information as possible.
Amy came to visit me at work later in the night.
We smoked for most of my shift and hung out while the new girl did all the work.
That makes me an asshole right?
We took a walk to Troy's so she could drop off books.
The lone sandal was still there.


A one person dialogue of all the events of my life seems so... ...
I don't even know.
How about a little feeling.
Right now I'm getting extremely angry at my living conditions.
I don't want to sound like a sexist bastard, but I'm not Lucy from 7th Heaven.
I don't want to be the one getting a plunger for the broken toilet, or fixing drains, or setting mouse traps.
I live with 5 guys, I do more than my fair share of cleaning and now I do household repair work.
Its tiresome, its especially tiresome when there isn't any thanks involved.
I guess we've had mice for a long time, the first I've heard of it was last night.
If all my rooommate knew we had mice forever, why didn't they do anything about it?
I stopped cooking because I didn't want to be responsible for the kitchen anymore.
Last night I caved and went in there to cook, the first thing I notice is mouse shit all over my stove and counter-top.
Lots of it, they cook and use the toaster everyday, it never occured to them to clean up disgusting diseased mouse shit?
I can't wrap my brain around this.
I'd elaborate on my feelings towards boys and my being lonely but I have more to say at 5 in the morning when I wish I wasn't on the internet rambling by myself.


nails and kneecaps.

I went to Dan's place before the Switzer show and stumbled upon a party.
I chatted it up with the folks for a bit before heading to Gus'.
The show was hilarious, lots of feedback and lots of mishaps, but I had fun.
I expect fun when I go to a Switzer show and never leave disapointed.
Derrick, Meghan and I headed to the Applebarrel.
We were expecting the worst because of Juno weekend, but parking was alright and the crowd wasn't terrible.
Deon and Brian came along too.
Some of the best late night breakfast conversation to date.
Sometimes I shake my head when I realize all the amazing people I've met.
Its.. an odd feeling.
Work at 11 in the morning is brutal, I am not meant for that shit.
Especially not sick.
It was over quickly and by 3 I was out the door.
I went to visit Scott and we walked back here around 5.
It took him a little convincing but not much for me to go to the Lighthouse Choir.
It was my idea, but a nap seemed so tempting.
I sat on the floor during the Choir set and boy was it the best idea ever going.
They gave me chills from start to finish, I can't wait until they come back.
Until then I have their album.
I sat on the floor wrapped in 4 coats shivering while other people were drenched in set.
I hate being sick, it makes me so pityful.
Work at the Speakeasy was cancelled due to illness mine and Meghan's.
Unlike a responsible adult I went to Gus'.
I was fine during the Jeff Cole 5 set, infact I danced like a madman but oh boy.
Once The Sweet Tenders started playing I couldn't even function.
I sat at a table and slept for most of their preformance.
I just felt so not myself, being there wasn't a good idea.
I was an hour late for work the next morning due to daylight savings time.
Work went by ultra fast and I came home to nap.
Afterwards it was time for the Feast of Beardo.
What a good time that was, I met Jessie and got her hilariously drunk by filling her wine glass everytime it reached empty.
By 7 30 everybody was well on their way to being drunk.
At 10 some of us headed down to Gus's for the C'mon/Iron Giant show.
I danced a lot and suddenly realized by thoart didn't hurt anymore.
Officially the cure for illness is booze.
When I woke up Leah was online, which never happens.
I asked her if she wanted to go to lunch so we headed to the Nail and Kneecap.
Their food was amazing but their perfect spot on Quinpool was better.
We sat infront of their picture window talking about everything and anything imaginable for hours.
Atleast 4 hours in that booth, laying down, drinking water and talking.
We went back to Leah's and I found out she enjoys making puzzles just as much as me!
Rock4$$s was a good time as usual.
Mike D came over before hand and we watched Free Entreprise.
Our set was fast, and over very quickly, we understood they were pressed for time so we made things quick.
Theres some video of it floating around the internet.
Deon, Neal and Newwave took off their shirts for our set.
Oh, I almost forgot, me and Deon are BFF.
The money wasn't won so next week is 1000$.
What a crazy night thats going to be.
Peek, Laura, Newwave and I went back to Peek's place for pie and a bad movie.
2 pies, blueberry and strawberry rhubard and Flashdance for the movie.
Dance sequences are incredible also 80's music makes me want to dance.
Today, Julia, Newwave and I went to the Nail and Kneecap for lunch.
Again fabulous food, I'm a fan of this place.
We watched 2 episodes of Twin, sooon it'll be time for the second season.
I spent the rest of the day on the internet and cleaning the kitchen.
Also talking to my uncle Danny on the internet.
Yeah that about sums it up.
Tomorrow I'm waking up early and cleaning this room before my mom gets in town.