How is this possible?
When I left my work I went over to Alex's.
At first it was just me, Mitch and Andy.
We decided to get down with some 007 GoldenEye.
Alex and Ala showed up and then it was just on.
4 way death match with fucking rocket launchers.
Things were getting intense.
I got home and New Wave was hanging out in my room.
I passed out at the top of my bed in a little ball.
The next morning New Wave and Julia come out to the Vienna for some lunch.
There might of been to much sarcasm in that perticular lunch conversation.
I went to visit Beardo some time mid-afternoon.
He introduced me to yet another LC&LP band member.
His name is Cambridge and he has wheels.
On the way home I decided to pick up a few vegeterian cookbooks.
We'll see what happens, I'm not making any commitments but I am looking into it.
Went to visit Rob in his boiling office.
I went out to eat again, this time with Adrian, Emilie and Derrick.
Derrick and his beautiful car, oh how I love NOT walking.
The food was awesome, the conversation was even better.
I got a drive to work, who gets scheduled from 8 until 12?
What kind of bullshit shift is that.
I left early because I was in no mood.
I freaked out at one of the girls I worked with for no reason.
I'm definitely pumped about getting the week off, I need it.
I went over to Alex's house again.
Everybody was just hanging out, New Wave had just left.
He is the new member of Scribbler, the boys sounded so excited about their jam.
Frank and Craig were wasted for no reason, I love those boys.
We watched Vertigo.
That movie is like a vortex of time.
You keep thinking its over, it couldn't get anymore fucked up, but no, it goes on for another 20 minutes.
Finally you think 'what a twist, it has to be over' but no, totally not over.
I really like the movie but damn it was so drawn out, I guess all in the Hitchcock spirit though.
I'd been talking about Monday and how exciting it was going to be or a week and it didn't disapoint.
I woke up and headed towards the booze store.
I saw Laura and Godwin at the One World and I bought cookies.
I love their chocolate chip cookies.
When I got to my front porch I saw Savannah walk by.
She came and had a smoke with me on the porch.
She joined a gym.
Here is the roommates in action, being fucking stupid.
The internet wouldn't work and I tried every trick in the book but nothing.
So I resorted to Tech support to fix the problem.
Fucking Dave walks in from school and starts screaming that Tech support doesnt know whats its doing, the internet will fix itself, Tech support is just keeping me on the line to get money from me.
He must be the stupidest person I've ever met.
Seriously ever.
The tech guy kept just laughing because he could hear this bullshit, I had to apologize.
Dave asked me the other day why none of my friends come over.
I just looked at him and walked out of the kitchen.
Mike D made me watch a part of First Contact.
Mike D and Riley came down to the Rock Gardens to watch us practice.
We got two new songs down.
One called Bottle Crotch and one called Crazywave Fag.
Crazywave Fag was written specifically for and about Toby, it was his birthday yesterday.
Its super fast and super punk, and has sirenes at the end.
I love my band, none-stop ridiculousness.
Rock4$$s had to be one of my favorites ones as of late.
Lots of people by the stage for a majority of the bands.
Lots of support, lots of good people out.
Katie came to get us at my house and drove us down there.
Ed and Mike D had an awesome set.
I said something ridiculous to Ed's mother about Ed coming out of her vagina.
Too drunk, too inapropriate.
Scribbler with New Wave is awesome.
He adds so much.
Be Bad were awesome, but that goes without question.
I enjoy them everytime I see them.
I danced a lot and had a good time talking to friends.
Our set went awesome in my opinion.
I feel a lot more confident when singing now.
I came to realize it really doesn't matter what I do as long as IM having fun.
Our set is now too long that we have to cut songs.
That is also fucking awesome.
I got lots of positive feedback when the set was done.
All in all one hell of a sucessful night.
Nobody won the money that means 600$ next week.
Nathan, Ed, Sophia, Tara, Mike D, Meghan, Alfred, Eben all came out to Breakfast.
Man the waitress knew my order, thats scary.
We all managed to pile into a cab and make it home sometime around 4 in the morning.
I don't know how it started, but a game of charades got underway.
We were doing strickly film but it was ridiculous.
Drunken charades at 4 in the morning with Ed, Mike D, Nathan and Riley.
This morning was rough goings, I felt like bum.
If I'm in the same room as the roommates we just fight.
Its ridiculous, but I don't see how its going to change.
I'm done with this for today.