

I got suckered into doing other people's work.
How is this possible?
When I left my work I went over to Alex's.
At first it was just me, Mitch and Andy.
We decided to get down with some 007 GoldenEye.
Alex and Ala showed up and then it was just on.
4 way death match with fucking rocket launchers.
Things were getting intense.
I got home and New Wave was hanging out in my room.
I passed out at the top of my bed in a little ball.
The next morning New Wave and Julia come out to the Vienna for some lunch.
There might of been to much sarcasm in that perticular lunch conversation.
I went to visit Beardo some time mid-afternoon.
He introduced me to yet another LC&LP band member.
His name is Cambridge and he has wheels.
On the way home I decided to pick up a few vegeterian cookbooks.
We'll see what happens, I'm not making any commitments but I am looking into it.
Went to visit Rob in his boiling office.
I went out to eat again, this time with Adrian, Emilie and Derrick.
Derrick and his beautiful car, oh how I love NOT walking.
The food was awesome, the conversation was even better.
I got a drive to work, who gets scheduled from 8 until 12?
What kind of bullshit shift is that.
I left early because I was in no mood.
I freaked out at one of the girls I worked with for no reason.
I'm definitely pumped about getting the week off, I need it.
I went over to Alex's house again.
Everybody was just hanging out, New Wave had just left.
He is the new member of Scribbler, the boys sounded so excited about their jam.
Frank and Craig were wasted for no reason, I love those boys.
We watched Vertigo.
That movie is like a vortex of time.
You keep thinking its over, it couldn't get anymore fucked up, but no, it goes on for another 20 minutes.
Finally you think 'what a twist, it has to be over' but no, totally not over.
I really like the movie but damn it was so drawn out, I guess all in the Hitchcock spirit though.
I'd been talking about Monday and how exciting it was going to be or a week and it didn't disapoint.
I woke up and headed towards the booze store.
I saw Laura and Godwin at the One World and I bought cookies.
I love their chocolate chip cookies.
When I got to my front porch I saw Savannah walk by.
She came and had a smoke with me on the porch.
She joined a gym.
Here is the roommates in action, being fucking stupid.
The internet wouldn't work and I tried every trick in the book but nothing.
So I resorted to Tech support to fix the problem.
Fucking Dave walks in from school and starts screaming that Tech support doesnt know whats its doing, the internet will fix itself, Tech support is just keeping me on the line to get money from me.
He must be the stupidest person I've ever met.
Seriously ever.
The tech guy kept just laughing because he could hear this bullshit, I had to apologize.
Dave asked me the other day why none of my friends come over.
I just looked at him and walked out of the kitchen.
Mike D made me watch a part of First Contact.
Mike D and Riley came down to the Rock Gardens to watch us practice.
We got two new songs down.
One called Bottle Crotch and one called Crazywave Fag.
Crazywave Fag was written specifically for and about Toby, it was his birthday yesterday.
Its super fast and super punk, and has sirenes at the end.
I love my band, none-stop ridiculousness.
Rock4$$s had to be one of my favorites ones as of late.
Lots of people by the stage for a majority of the bands.
Lots of support, lots of good people out.
Katie came to get us at my house and drove us down there.
Ed and Mike D had an awesome set.
I said something ridiculous to Ed's mother about Ed coming out of her vagina.
Too drunk, too inapropriate.
Scribbler with New Wave is awesome.
He adds so much.
Be Bad were awesome, but that goes without question.
I enjoy them everytime I see them.
I danced a lot and had a good time talking to friends.
Our set went awesome in my opinion.
I feel a lot more confident when singing now.
I came to realize it really doesn't matter what I do as long as IM having fun.
Our set is now too long that we have to cut songs.
That is also fucking awesome.
I got lots of positive feedback when the set was done.
All in all one hell of a sucessful night.
Nobody won the money that means 600$ next week.
Nathan, Ed, Sophia, Tara, Mike D, Meghan, Alfred, Eben all came out to Breakfast.
Man the waitress knew my order, thats scary.
We all managed to pile into a cab and make it home sometime around 4 in the morning.
I don't know how it started, but a game of charades got underway.
We were doing strickly film but it was ridiculous.
Drunken charades at 4 in the morning with Ed, Mike D, Nathan and Riley.
This morning was rough goings, I felt like bum.
If I'm in the same room as the roommates we just fight.
Its ridiculous, but I don't see how its going to change.
I'm done with this for today.



I should think positive?
Who knows.
I went to a movie with Stephen and Celery.
I liked it, but those two do movies for a living.
I kept my opinion to myself while they ripped it apart.
After the movie I headed home for a bit.
The walk to work was quite refreshing.
A few random rain-drops here and there.
Work was awful, I wasn't in a good place for it.
Abby is a bit much on the nerves.
I mean, I know I can be too, but she really was just grating at me.
Brian, the new manager, let me go an hour early, he could tell I didn't want to be there.
The show was great.
I got there in time for Scribbler, they sounded awesome for some reason last night.
All the bands looked like they were having a good old time.
Adrian cock-blocked himself and it was hilarious.
I had the foot sucking confrontation to deal with.
Hate is a strong word, although after the conversation I kicked myself for not bringing up a crucial fact.
Oh well.
That Scott kid was there and I ended up talking to him for a bit.
Mike D lost his hat.
New Wave came out for the first time in ages.
It was awesome seeing him, he slept over at my house.
Beardo came along for the cab ride.
When we got home, Riley had just made strawberry rubard pie.
Ed, Riley, Nathan and I stayed up until atleast 430 chit-chating.
I think I passed out before everyone left.
I went out to lunch with Emily this morning.
Kraft singles in my cheese omelet just doesn't cut it for me guys.
Last night felt good.
I felt good for the most part.
I still don't.. I don't even know.
I'm tired of reading my own complaints.


Im an idiot.
I feel stupid.
I keep pulling at my hair.
I keep wanting to just scream.
Scream loud.
Scream with no point.
Scream at you.
Scream especially at other yous.
Im not having a good day.

Not a good day at all.


I think I said 'FUCK!' on its on more times tonight than should be possible.
Drinking doesn't do much for my character.
Pot makes me hate myself and hate everything I'm about.
Booze makes me love myself and makes me cocky as fuck.
But lets start with Wednesday.
Wednesday was okay.
I drank mostly by myself, well.. I was on the phone.
Basic principle, I was by myself.
I decided to visit Rob at the Rock Gardens and ended up spending quite a while there.
Rob is like a vacation from my house without having to go anywheres.
My roommates suck, but its easy to see if you read this thing.
Reflections was alright.
I yelled at Scribbler quite a bit, I don't think they mind.
Bearly's was a bit of a downer.
Savannah came, but Mimi wouldn't let her sing.
I managed to get Jen and myself in though.
After Bearly's I split a gut buster with Stephen.
He isn't the person I intended on splitting my first gut buster with, but it worked.
I ended up taking most of it home, the un-cooked-ness of it all didn't help much.
Julia called me at 12 in the afternoon the day after.
We went for lunch at the Vienna and decided to declare today' freedom day'.
She said she felt, free around me or something along those lines.
Which I can see, since my life is just one big freedom.
I guess that doesn't make me very responsible for anything.
I just do what I want when I want to, but is that really a good thing?
It was a fun day none-the-less.
We spent some time working around the North End.
Sort of checking things out, taking our time, walking in the gorgeous weather.
Julia purchased a sailor hat at the Army Surplus.
She looks pretty fucking BADASS in it.
We went to Frenchy's for a bit.
We went to Heather's for a bit.
I went to visit Derrick for a bit.
It was a day of catch up and seeing people I normally don't see.
Freedom day was definitely a success.
Julia and I proceeded to drink the night away at her house.
She made my hair look awesome.
Stephen invited us over to watch a Western with himself and Godwin.
After the movie finished we headed down to the Khyber.
Enter me being a douchebag here.
I told people some really ridiculous shit.
None of my fucking business type shit.
Since when did I decide that its my place to get involved with shit?
At the time I didn't care, but after the fact, once I got home.
I have to cut down on booze, or learn to be civil.
Civil won't work because I just don't get it.
Im losing my mind it seems.
Everyday I get a little less motivated and little more hermit.
I go to less shows and spend so much time here, stewing in my own bullshit.
Not so much losing my mind as slipping into bad places.
Maybe thats why I figured it was my busines spreading the Lindsay gospel.
Who am I kidding?
A friend of mine also pointed out the fact that maybe I show too much of my female bits as some kind of fat chick mechanism.
I don't know if thats true, or if I don't care enough to make it be an issue.
I just like low-cut tops.
I spent 8 fucking years wearing baggy t-shirts and long skirts down to my ankles.
I'm over that, I don't want to hide behind fabric.
Maybe I do show too much but maybe I'm just making up for lost time.
If that makes me look skanky to someone I probably don't want to know them anyways.
You know?
Who cares what someone I don't know thinks?
Maybe I do.
Maybe I don't.
Maybe I shouldn't post in this fucking monster when I'm drunk.
That brings me back to WHO GIVES A FUCK.
Freedom Day tells me no one gives a fuck, or I don't care if they do.
Me and Meghan made some drag queen do two encores.
It was pretty awesome and it definitely finished the night off on a good note.
Aside from the rest of this crazines that is stiring in my brain.
Once again.



Fri Mar 17 Gus' Pub - $5
10:30 Le Coq et Le Fuc
11:15 The Establishment
12:00 We're Marching On (TO)
12:45 Tom Fun and the Tokyo Skypilots (CB)

Holy shit.
I'm freaking out, by myself in my room and its lame as balls.

But, to calm my nerves before the show....

One World Cafe (7:30-10:00PM) - $5
DIVORCE Records Showcase Feat.
Be Bad
Attack Mode
Gilbert Switzer
The Hold

Some crazy dude I know, Dave, he has been to over 300 shows in a year. In light of this, he put together a best show list for 2005. The show I organized for my little sister happens to be in the list! Go awesome music and people getting together to help my family out.
Anyways.. if you look on the side theres a snazzy looking like that says '1970's pimp DMC', thats where you can find the 'best shows of 2005'.

I'm French!

The R.Kelly dvd watching was all kinds of sucess.
That has to be the funniest, in a none-funny sort of way, dvd ever.
When it was over, Leah, Frank and I went over to Lolita's to visit Ben.
That girl is straight up crazy, but shes alright.
I got way too high and had lots of fun with stamp markers.
Since I didn't watch away the stamps immediately, I woke up with stamp everywhere.
My face, my chest, my neck, covered in stamps.
The best was trying to take off the stamps and them, ofcourse, not coming off.
I went to work looking like I had weird blue-green fungus and red spots.
After work I went Reflections for the madness that is Rock4$$s.
I guess I just missed a 'mystical' metal band, you know like magic?
Maybe they'll play again.
Ed did his thing, he milks being on stage like no one I've ever seen.
Born actor.
Josh does this thing where he gets people to believe he's from Alabama.
Its ridiculous, but it seems to work.
The walk home was frustrating yet funny.
Josh and Godwin did some wrestling in the snow and everybody else was moving like molasses.
I know its my own fault for wearing skirts, but come on.
All I want to do is get home with some remaining feeling in my legs.
Is that too much to ask for?
I walked ahead of the group for the rest of the walk home.
Josh passed out relatively early and I stayed up shooting the shit with M to the D.
I got to go to bed before 5 tonight, but I probably won't.
I went for some mad crazy poutine with Stephen, Godwin and Meghan after I woke up in the morning.
Wilmans is crazy, are they insane?
They give you so much poutine you don't even know what to do with yourself.
We stopped by the One World afterwards and DMC gave me the pictures from my party.
They're awesome and so is Dave for taking them.
I will have Bearly's memories for the rest of my life.
Speaking of which, Bearly's is tonight.
Come one, come all.
You know.
I forgot, I made crazy corn-fritters.
Everybody seemed to like em, more oinion next time.
I just learned how to spell onion, but I'm not sure which one of those two is right.
I am a spelling idiots.
Josh caught me calling J, a G.
Eeech, what can I say, I'm French!


spy this

My mom reads all your blogs.
Yeah thats right.
We offended Emilie's mother.
I feel bad, but our band isn't meant to be taken that literally.
On that note, I wrote a new song.
Its about almost being raped in New Orleans and then having sex with a broken bottle.
Theres more to it but I'll let the suspense build.
After the most none-progressive day at work, I went to a party.
I got so many work visits though it made the day fun.
Alex, Mitch, Brian, Amy, Natalie, Ed and Justin.
Without these people I would of hung myself off the bread cabinet.
7 customers for 3 hours.
What the hell?
The party was at Savannah's house.
It was spy themed but this wasn't brought to my attention until the night of.
Savannah was dressed like sex on legs, hot.
I had a good time, the puppy is adorable.
I got way too drunk way too fast.
I sang the whole walk home, and tried to make sense of the internet.
After a half-hour I had to give up.
I went to bed with Ed at my computer.
I woke up at 8 and he was still sitting there.
I was still drunk, I remember mumbling something to him about putting on Chelsea Girls for me.
This morning I spend six god damn hours in front of this computer.
I blame this blog for my hours wasted.
Its time for an R.Kelly dvd fest.
I'm pretty excited, excited to have human contact outside from roommates that is.



I changed things.
I added things.
Yesterday sucked.
Today isn't doing much better.
11 oclock in the morning.
My dumbass roommate had heavy metal so loud it knocked one of my ornaments off the mantle.
I got out of my room in a huff and never realized I had a boob hanging out.
I feel like a prisoner in my own house.
I never go to the kitchen unless they go outside for a smoke.
While I'm in the kitchen I feel so nervous my stomach hurts.
Most of the time I just want Ed to be next to me for some kind of protection.
It really pisses me off that they have no consideration what so ever for Ed.
He sleeps in a room without a door, and this heavy metal bullshit started at 8 this morning.
Its Saturday morning.
Come on!
How hard is it to have a little appreciation for people?
When I have people over after shows or parties I tell them to keep it down.
We go to my room, close the door and listen to music, not loudly.
I sleeep really soundly, but Ed tells me that he has to hear Dave get ready for school every morning.
Now, if it was the noise that is bound to happen, such as dishes clanging, footsteps, the shower, it wouldn't be so bad.
But no, its Dave, thinking he is the lead singer of a metal band SCREAMING at the top of his lungs.
Are you kidding me?
The asshole can't even sing.
What was I thinking when I moved in here?
I'm so glad I got to meet Ed, and I love living with him.
The rest of it is just too much.
I don't know how I'm going to make it until August.
Terrified of my own kitchen.
Terrified and embarrased to invite friends over.
I hope someone comes to visit me at work tonight.


let the shit storm begin.

What a night.
I don't even like drugs anymore.
But two nights of drinking was enough of a celebration.
I had to do something on Tuesday so pot party seemed appropriate.
My teacher bought me a lemon square for my birthday.
She likes my idea of a timeline for the punk scene of this city for the past 30 years.
Now, I need to actually get moving on it and find friends that are willing to be interviewed.
I have a few in mind.
I was thinking a person from 38 until 15, with a few years inbetween.
Anyways, Malcom and Megan made me a cake.
The whole time I was sitting in the livingroom and I never noticed the smell of cake coming from the kitchen.
They brought it down the stairs and it looked like a ball of fire.
They put 36 candles on it.
We ate it ghetto style with no forks and no plates.
I have awesome friends.
I wish Leah would of come.
I think we watched a movie, but if we did I don't remember.
We were all so baked the conversation was none-existant.
No more pot for me, it makes me regret my whole life.
Before I get into Wednesday there has been a few more interesting developments for the most progressive joke band ever.
Derrick wants us to cover a CKDU cart, the Zit Remedy one.
Troy wants us to be on his crazy compilation.
Alex wants us to join his collective.
Alfred and Laura have to focus on their real bands for a bit though.
I bought a pie before the potluck.
JP and Riley made Sheppard's Pie.
There was quite the event before the whole thing went down.
My dickhead of a roommate told DMC to get out of my house.
I was not having it.
In all fairness DMC shouldn't have been poking fun of them
But since when is a few harmless jokes warranted a 'get the hell out my house' approach?
Anyways, I lost it, and told him to stop being such a rude jackass to all my friends.
Emilie said it best I guess.
He isn't a very colourful character and maybe being around colourful people makes him nervous.
Whatever, it was totally uncalled and thats twice now thats he's been a dick to my friends.
It was pretty fucking embarassing.
I was shaking with rage, I had to leave the kitchen and smoke just to calm myself down.
This event aside the potluck went well.
Everybody had some delicious dishes with them.
Laura made me the most amazing chocolate cake.
Who knew vegan could taste so damn good.
We moved the party to my room, I just felt like being in my room.
Its safe from certains roommates and conflict as far as I'm concerned.
We walked down to Bearly's.
The usual bar staff had the night off so they got down with the drkning too.
They purchased all kinds of drinks for me.
There was definitely the right amount of people there and some fresh new faces.
Emilie gave me my present; booby oil.
Eben, Rob, Beardo, Alfred, Adrian, Mike D, Edd, Mary, Shawn, Emilie, Julia, Stephen, Godwin, DMC, Lipton, and who knows, I might be forgetting someone.
Birthday to remember, tons of songs dedicated to me and flowers for me.
Adrian dropped down to Union Jack boxers for this rendition of Hot For Teachers.
There are too many highlights to even mention.
I'm glad DMC came and got the whole thing on film.
Oh wait, did I forget to mention he was dressed liike a 1970's pimp, complete with crotch stuffing.
Breakfast was hilarious and loud.
Godwin ate more than me.
Godwin?! Hes like a quarter my size.
I spent the rest of the night talking in the dark with Dorton.
I've come to a conclusion.
I've lost my mind, the lines of why I'm mad don't even make sense to me anymore.
I liked the part of the conversation where I wasn't being a douchebag the best.
Talking is so much better than arguing.
Bon fucking Jovi woke me up, god damn drunk setting alarm clocks.
I finally got my hands on my student loan papers.
It was like a miracle, white light flooded her face, the corner of her mouth started to move upwards and BAM, SMILE.
Julia decided to make my birthday supper.
Spaghetti with homemade sauce and rocata (?) balls.
It was delicious, I was so full.
One of the best birthday presents I've gotten.
We watched Apocolypst Now after supper.
What an intense movie.
I liked it, its not something I could watch 20 times over, but it was good.
I woke up this morning sick.
I cried for no apparent reason.
Well, no reason doesn't seem fitting.
Maybe a gathering of lots of small reasons.
The internet makes checking up on people almost too easy.
I hate everything you do.
I don't hate it, I wish I was a part of it.


These days I seem to think a lot

Apparently I'm making people awkward.
Whatever, I don't get your motivation.
I fucking hate when people talk behind my back.
If you're going to do it, make sure I won't find out about it.
Now I'll see you and want to spit in your eye.
Happy birthday me.
I went to see the giant bugs with my family.
It was loads of fun.
I've lived here for a year and I've never done anything tourist-esque.
We went to supper, and Anika got mad at me.
She always seems upset with me at the end of our visits.
The band wrote a new song.
I think it'll be a crowd pleaser.
Its about bad sex, all you have to remember is 3 second pause and then 'THE WORST FUCKING FUCK'.
Monday was filled with all kinds of exciting.
I got to take my first walk with my new discman.
Listenning to music and walking really brings a bounce in your step.
I started drinking.
My mother and little sister came over to say goodbye.
Her test didn't go as well as they should have.
For some reason I straight out lied to some friends of mine and said things were fine with her.
I'm worried, but shes a stroong little girl.
We'll see what they say in a few weeks.
Band practice was super fun, I love those guys.
I love this band because it just doesnt matter, anything goes, you can be as nutty as you want.
We went to Vienna for some re-fueling and then it was scrabble time.
Chris and Neal came over too, some fresh scrabble faces.
We played teams, Julia and I won by a sand-slide.
I think we got something like five triple word scores.
I kept throwing pennies at Chris' forehead.
Rocking4$$$s was hilarious.
I'm glad Troy and Derrick came out, their faces our re-assuring for some reason.
I think its all the crazywave that beams out of their ears.
I had tons of fun.
Althought one of the bouncers told Craig I was 'aggressive'.
What? I wouldn't hurt a fly.
I was pretty toasted by the end of the night.
Leah's mad at me.
I don't know why, and she denies it, but I'm not the only person who picked up on it.
She's one of my favorite people, I hope I can fix it.
Breakfast was pretty great.
Merril, Craig, some dude, Nathan, Ed, and Mike D.
Craig for some reason decided to poor maple syrop all over his hand.
We watched video from the night when we got home.
It was all pretty hilarious.
The birthday has been good thus far.
We'll see what happens tonight, pot party.



North by North End?
Am I ready for a real show?
Le Coque et les Phoques got asked to play.
I might die within the next month, or disappear from the city.

But we will be playing Monday, and that I am indeed ready for.

I'll just re-post my post from locals about the noise show.
It describes my sentiments quite well.

Battledick makes me want to chew meat right off the bone, it makes me want to fuck, it makes me want to beat my chest, it makes me want to go fucking primal and it makes me want to pick an instrument and lose my fucking mind.

Scribbler drilled holes in damn guitars and made the strangest noises with objects you'd never think to use.
Torso scared me and me want to cuddle with my mommy.
When you started screaming I practically fell out of my seat.
See above for Battledick.
Metalshop drove the beats into my brain.
The drummer kept getting giddy looks when he knew it was going to get more intense.
The Internet leaves me in a peaceful place, despite the technical difficulties.
I stand by the conversation I had with Derrick that being Godwin You Black Emperor.
Dog(s) of Art(s) finished the night quite nicely with stranges noises and cymbals.
(Where does the damn S go?)
The whole fucking show left me PUMPED.
Watching my little sister beat on drums was awesome too, thanks for being great with kids Meghan.

Can you remember I like Nico?

I had a blast at that show.
It was very intimate, I think most people there knew each other.
Its nice to see the same people out supporting the shit.
Stephen gave me a lift home, I don't see enough of that fellow anymore.
I think I'll see even less once the Junos and ECMA's go down.
Alfred kindly walked me downtown on Monday.
I wasn't feeling 200$ rent money in my pocket and having to walk home through the commons.
We went to see Tobias at work and I got me some damn good strawberries.
One of my roommates didn't have a stick of food to his name so I made us supper.
I think the pasta went well, the spices I bought with Stephen make me want to cook up a storm.
I went to Mitch's for a bit.
We sat around and watched Les Triplettes de Bellevile.
French semi-silent animated films at 1 in the morning is a bit much.
I spent most of Tuesday getting together a music exposee of sorts.
One person a week has to present music to the class.
I decided to go with Switzer, I really just wanted to talk about crazywave.
I think it went over well, people seemed to enjoy the tunes and atleast one girl asked me to let her know when their next show is.
I spent most of the time before class writing CRAZYWAVE on empty classrooms' blackboards.
Either I need a hobby inbetween classes or I should be-friend the yuppies.
Kerry and Amanda were here when I got back from work.
They were drunk, and I was tired.
Wednesday was action packed as usual.
It turned out to be a snowday, which brings me much joy.
I hate winter in general, but I love fresh fallen snow.
Alex invited me over for a bit during the afternoon.
We sat around drinkin' and smokin' in the blanket fort.
Permanent blanket fort is the best idea ever.
Its seriously stappled to the wall.
I went to the Coast award show.
I was disapointed in most of the winners but the runner-ups were amazing!
All came in second in their respective categories, shame.
I made a discovery at Bearly's and then I made a scene.
The scene of all scenes.
You're a hussy.
Once I composed myself I had quite the time.
Adrian and Alfred both ended up shirtless somehow, all one could do was shake their head at the madness.
Breakfast was awesome, I got into a fight with some jerk, he said we looked like Dal kids.
Mike D, Emily, Beardo and I walked back to the North End.
I had a sometimes loud, sometimes frustrating, sometimes quiet, conversation with Mike D.
An hour later I think all that could be said was said.
Atleast I got to say what I needed to.
If he nudged me one more time I was going to punch him.
Probably not.
I had lunch with Julia once I dragged myself out of bed.
Those damn club melts are going to broke me.
Julia makes my insanity seem normal.
My obsessive, nutty, completely irrational tendencies.
Maybe its a fat thing.
New Wave came to vist me at work, seriously work visits make me so happy.
That Scott kid came by too.
Friday passed out by 2.
My mom showed up Saturday.
I got all kinds of awesome birthday presents.
My mom knows the kind of stuff I enjoy.
The kind of stuff I'd like to have but either don't think of buying or can't afford to buy.
Such as fridge magnets and things of the like.
Anika was looking quite cute.
Her mood is so fucking unstable.
She goes from darlin' to insane to bratty to nutty to darlin' within minutes.
We had lunch at the Ardmore and then dropped by the Noise show with me.
I introduced them to some of the cool cats that I have the pleasure of hanging out with.
Anika got to beat on some drums.
And that about brings up BACK up to date